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It is to annouce that our automated Paypal payment system is now back on and working properly. Unfortunatly, we were having some issues with our automated payment system. This problem was particularly related to payments being sent through Paypal Gatewaty. But this issue has now been resolved, you may feel free to send payments through our ...
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Hi. It is to inform you that we are receiving payments through Paypal, but they have to be sent manually. At the moment we are facing some issues in receiving PayPal payments through our automated payment system. If you want to pay through PayPal, then please open a ticket with us or send us an email at [email protected], so that we can ...
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Hello Clients, we have made a decision of launching domain registeration services on OffshoreDedicated.Net. This decision is made specially for the convenience of our clients.Prices set for all these domains are very competitive. Various different types of Domains are available here including all the famous once such as .com, .net and more. You ...
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